Remembrance 2019. Wartime Trains
For the first three weekends during last November, we were running and displaying wartime trains to commemorate the two world wars around this remembrance period. All trains on our big Chinley model railway represented trains that ran in the first or second wars. We also showed a German plane just shot down with the pilot getting some helpful attention, an army camp in a nearby field, and trainloads of army tanks, troop trains and a few ordinary trains for people who had to travel ("Is your journey really necessary?")
The Darley Green branch line became a Great Western Railway branch line during this period. It showed a few trains like those that ran in the west country during the latter war, including one of the GWR's group of pioneer diesel railcars.
Some pictures, prefixed with 'Remembrance 2019' in the caption, may be viewed in the 'model buildings' and 'model trains' categories in the photographic gallery

Colin Boocock, President
18 November 2019